A scorching light in the dark sky. Bringer of the floods and rain. The celestial Great Dog. Across time, many cultures have revered the power of Sirius. We believe in living with purpose and paying homage to our dog Tai.

Tai | Our Dog Star

For athletes of all levels and sports

Powerlifting, Strongman, Bodybuilding, CrossFit.. it all uses a ton of gear. You end up over-filling your bag, buying a bag that’s WAY too big, or you get a bag that fits your stuff but is awkward to carry in the gym or while traveling. Trust us, we know the struggle.

Bags that give back

A portion of each bag sale will be donated to a Veteran service dog non-profit. The Military/First Responder community is very important to us, and the best way for us to honor Tai is to give back and provide support for other service members and their canines.